Tim Kropivšek is a multi-media artist and musician based in
Ljubljana, Slovenia. Throughout his art carrier he picked
up various techniques of visual communication, such as
illustration, photography, drawing, painting, installation,
coding, and sound. His masters degree work was an interactive
sound installation A New Natural World. it is a warning
that Homo Sapiens' greedy destruction is chauffeuring
animals and plants off the face of Earth. We haven't got much
more time to spend with our fellow beings - at least not in the flesh.
He had the thing and ambition for drawing early on. In his
primary school IK Izlake, he would turn every art assignment
upside down and made it his own way that they were suppoused
to be done. He won a few prizes from various child
art competitions. Going to the Secondary School of Design
and Photography Ljubljana, where he chose industrial design
department. In 3rd and 4th year he also studied photography
as a compulsory class and for his practice he was working in a
classical instruments shop Viva la Musica in Celje. After that, in 2014 he
attended the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana where
he chose photography, and simultanously got knowledge in
graphic design, illustration and painting too. In 2016 he was
a part of the group exhibiton titled Tradition/Tradice in the Ars gallery
in Ljubljana exhibiting a haselblad photograph print of
a mine entrance and fallen garden elf in front, presenting the
termination of the mine and devastated mine elf.
He graduated in 2017 with his BA thesis Surrealism and Mixed Media
and diploma work Dvigalo/Elevator, an interactive installation
which metaphorizes a ‘’lift’’ from ones wakefullness to
subconsciousness. Currently he is studying for masters
degree at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana at the
Video and New Media department. In 2018 amongst other
Academy students he exhibited at Svetlobna Gverila Light
Festival of Light in Ljubljana, where he presented his second coding work,
Energy Wasted, an interactive projection mapping installation
with 6 computer mice. In 2018 he exhibited his diploma
work and had a speech about it, including a guitar improvisation.
He exhibited as a guest artist of the Izlake-Zagorje painting colony exhibition.
Quicktime was the third coding/installation work with which he took upon the topic of
procrastination and built a piece which represents the temporal waste in an object. With the
project he continued with creative use of regular computer mice, this time using 20 of them to control and manipulate the sound of tv series, which were the inspiration for the mentioned project.
Past Exhibitions:
2018 - Cultural Center Work Center Zagorje ob Savi:
- Tim Kropivšek : Dvigalo/Elevator
* as a part of Izlake-Zagorje Painting Colony
2016- Gallery Ars Ljubljana : Tradicija/Tradice;
2018- Lightning Guerilla festival of Light in Ljubljana
- Tim Kropivšek : Energy Wasted